Have you ever cracked an egg and despite taking all precautions, the eggshell makes it into your dish? No sign. No warning. Until you take your first bite...


But do you spit or swallow?

Before you answer, there's something magical about eggshells.

This is not like anything out of Harry Potter or Jack and the Beanstalk. You're not going to get superhuman strength or be able to read minds. But a nutrient found inside eggshells acts like a time machine for your skin.
Let me explain...

Have you ever experienced a bad sunburn, skin peeling, or spent too long in the sun?

As you probably already know, the sun, more specifically UV light can damage your skin -- causing uneven skin tones, dark spots, and wrinkles.

And because the UV penetrates beyond the surface layer of your skin it disrupts the natural elasticity of your skin. Like a rubber band stretched too many times. It never goes back to its original shape or “spring”.


But promising evidence explains how a protein found in eggshells can change that…

A protein with promising evidence showing it can repair damaged skin. More specifically the only protein shown to repair UV damage.

...thus removing years off of your appearance!


So what makes eggshells so unique?

The protein found in eggshells (what scientists have named protein X) specifically targets damage caused by UV light. Unlike chicken, beef, fish or any other protein found in your diet.

While this is an unpleasantry I hope you never experience, Protein X may very well be the most powerful nutrient to keep your complexion healthy, vibrant, and youthful.

So should you start crunching on eggshells? You and I know people would go to those lengths but I don’t expect that from you…

You can have a youthful even complexion without surgery, lasers, or injections if you follow a simple 2-minute habit, without fail, every day.

❌ WITHOUT expensive medical treatments.

❌ WITHOUT injections.

❌ WITHOUT topicals or creams.

Then keep scrolling...

Because this simple 2-minute habit targets the most stubborn areas like under the eyes, forehead, and neck.

But before I reveal that to you, take a look at this diagram of your skin:


Most of what you see on the outer surface of your skin is a response to what is going on beneath the surface.

Wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, dark spots, and sun damage appear as if they affect the epidermis (the outermost layer of your skin) but in reality, they are a consequence of the chemical and biological reactions happening at the dermis (derma) level.

What does this mean?

Most topical creams can’t penetrate past the epidermis, thus failing to attack the root cause of wrinkles and other skin issues.

And although you see celebrities all over TV and magazines promoting anti-aging creams, they use expensive injections and other cosmetic treatments (like chemical peels) behind the scenes. So if you want results like the celebrities....


The secret is to heal
the skin from within!

You might be thinking there's a catch. But everything contained in this article is backed by cold, hard, irrefutable science.

If you want to repair and support a healthy vibrant complexion -- there’s one protein that is the primary support structure for skin.

It keeps the skin hydrated, “bouncy”, and vibrant.

Not surprisingly it’s the most abundant protein in the body. It’s found in connective tissue, like tendons and cartilage in your joints, muscle, bone, and skin.

And it gives the dermis (or deep tissues of the skin) a strong, elastic, firm foundation so the skin can appear tight and youthful.

What is this magical age-defying protein?


Unfortunately, it truly is a protein of the youth.

Because sometime in our 20’s, we begin to experience a steady decline in natural collagen production causing the skin to lose it’s natural spring.

Younger Skin


Aging Skin


So how can you convince your body to produce MORE collagen?

Well, what we’ve seen across certain Korean populations, the right care -- and right nutrients can keep your skin wrinkle free, glowing, and tight for decades longer.

Because while aging is unavoidable(at least not with modern science) how fast it occurs and how fast collagen declines is largely dependent on 2 things:

1. Collagen suppression
2. Collagen stimulation

Normally collagen will deplete 1% every year after the age of 20! And this decreases what dermatologists call collagen density.

(Now, I want you to remember collagen density because we will come back to it below -- and it’ll all begin to make sense)


So if you can avoid the and introduce catalysts of collagen stimulation -- your skin will appear ageless. Just imagine how many of your friends and family will ask “what’s your secret?”


Other Than Aging What Accelerates Collagen Breakdown?

Exposure to pollutants, foods, and excess UV can age the skin by damaging and suppressing natural collagen production -- accelerating wrinkles, dryness, and hyperpigmentation in the skin. These are all catalysts for the two major causes of aging itself -- oxidative stress and free radicals.

So here are the main triggers for collagen breakdown...


One of the most obvious culprits of skin aging is smoking. Smoking yourself, living with a smoker, or even spending too much time in bars.

Non-smokers who live in dense, highly-populated areas including all major cities are exposed to many toxins that simply don’t exist in rural areas. (like car exhaust and factory smoke)

Plus certain areas of the country experience bad air quality clogging your pores, and aging your skin.

# DIET (and AGEs)

“After working with my esthetician, I began to understand that skin health goes far beyond how well you clean your skin every day or what you put on it topically. I realized the importance of a holistic skincare approach." - Olivia Culpo a Sports Illustrated Cover Model

What we put in our body is just, if not more important than our daily skincare routine. Acne, age spots, wrinkles, fine lines all tell a story of what is happening beneath the surface.

The building blocks for elastin and collagen come from a well rounded diet. And in opposition, certain foods and ingredients can cause an acceleration of wrinkles, fine lines, and skin aging. One of those culprits is sugar.

ONE - Sugar dehydrates your skin causing wrinkles and the look of “dull skin”

TWO - Your skin enters a process called glycation -- a process that takes place when sugar molecules react with proteins or fats. This process in and of itself isn’t necessarily harmful, however, this process creates AGEs.

AGEs (other known as glycotoxins) wreck havoc throughout the body:

∙ Promotes oxidative stress and inflammation
∙ Halts the natural production of collagen and elastin (making your skin tight and “bouncy”)
∙ Increases your risk of developing insulin resistance, diabetes, and heart disease
∙ Affecting eye sight and beyond

# UV EXPOSURE (Photoaging)

It’s long been a habit for women seeking youthful skin to avoid the sun. Hats, visors, and heaps of sunscreen were a necessity for any day out in the sun. SPF found in nearly every cream. And oversized sunglasses to avoid wrinkles around the eyes. The reason?

UV has long been known to cause wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots by damaging the collagen and elastin in the dermis or deep layers of the skin. So the question is, is there a way to restore those fibers, keep the skin firm and plump for decades longer?


Can You Reverse Wrinkles, Fine Lines,
And Halt The Aging Of Your Skin?

A groundbreaking study on aging noted “The age-related decrease in collagen-synthetic activity may be, at least in part, reversible.” And as you already know the unusual and rare protein found in eggshells may reverse skin damage related to UV exposure.

Remember Collagen Density?

When you stimulate production of collagen in your skin it fills the open space thus increasing collagen density. So if you want to turn back the clock and keep your skin looking younger for decades longer, focus on COLLAGEN DENSITY. But how do you stimulate natural collagen production?

Before I answer you must know that collagen density has an enemy -- COLLAGEN FRAGMENTATION.

Think of it like a teeter totter between collagen density and collagen fragmentation.


Collagen fragmentation is the breakdown of collagen most often through the mechanisms shared above -- oxidative stress and free radicals.

Hydrate skin, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles and support new collagen production.


How To Stimulate Natural Collagen Production to Maintain Skin Elasticity and Firmness

It may seem obvious, however the best ways to stimulate your own body’s natural collagen production is by consuming collagen.

Collagen can be found in many different animals such as chicken, cows, ox, buffalo, eggs, and fish. However they all contain a variety. For example, certain parts of chicken (not often what you’d find served at a restaurant) are high in type II collagen.

And unfortunately, collagen is often found in parts of the animals that we don’t traditionally consume any longer like in bone marrow soups, liver, skin, etc.

So unless your diet consists of using all parts of the animal in your meals, it’s tough to get much of it out of food. (Nor do I assume you want to consume eggshells to get the benefits of protein X)

That’s why for the majority of the population who prefers a convenient, more affordable, and less time consuming way to stimulate collagen production -- supplementation is the best option.

But not just any collagen -- just look at the research below 👇

Do Collagen Supplements

Actually Work? Here’s What the Science Says...


#Studies found that oral supplementation of fish collagen resulted in a significant improvement in skin elasticity

#Studies found that supplementation of collagen peptides improved collagen density while reducing collagen fragmentation in the skin. Plus it increased skin hydration!

#Studies showed that supplementing with collagen improved skin appearance in women with cellulite

#Studies showed collagen peptides to reduce skin wrinkles with just 2.5g over 8 weeks

#Studies showed 5 grams of hydrolysed fish collagen improved wrinkles and dryness after 60 days, while collagen density and skin firmness improved after 12 weeks.

#Studies showed improved skin elasticity after taking collagen for 8 weeks.

#Studies showed 10 grams of a daily collagen peptides increased collagen density, and decreased fragmentation of collagen in the skin after four weeks and improved skin hydration after eight weeks



But Wait! Not All Collagen Is Created Equal...

The results you see above came from many different sources of collagen. These sources provide unique types of collagen that act differently in the body. And that’s where most collagen supplements on the market go wrong.

To get ALL the benefits of collagen like:

#Increasing collagen density for wrinkle-free skin

#Decreasing collagen fragmentation for a flawless even skin tone

#And increased hydration for vibrant, glowing skin

While also supporting your joints, gut health, and figure.

The science, backed by hundreds of clinical trials, conclusively shows there are 5 types of collagen that each have their own job. And they all work together to support your body, most importantly, your skin from head to toe.

So if you want to experience all the benefits from the studies shared above (using different sources and types of collagen) it’s key to take collagen that includes ALL 5 types of collagen!

TYPE I - This collagen type is the most abundantly found in the human body. As skin is your largest organ, type I collagen is most prevalent here. It maintains the structural integrity of your skin keeping it tight and firm.

TYPE II - This collagen type is often known for its joint relief properties. As type II is the major component for cartilage found in your nose, ears, rib cage, and joints. But what’s overlooked is its importance in the natural growth and repair process. Due to its natural makeup it contains glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid which support the skin. Plus, it helps to repair tight junctions in the gut and reduce inflammation that often leads to skin problems like rashes and acne.

TYPE II - Similar to type I collagen, it can support the skin elasticity and hydration thus reducing signs of aging. But it has other benefits that go much beneath the surface. Type III collagen works on the internal organs of the body, like the heart and gut.

TYPE IV - This collagen type plays a unique role in regulating the development of collagen fibers. When in abundance it stimulates collagen production which can help support the skin and other vital organs. It’s even known to makeup the fibers of a human placenta for women who are pregnant.

TYPE V - This rare type of collagen is found in eggshells and has a very unique purpose. While it’s nearly impossible to get enough collagen X from food sources (unless you consume dozens of eggshells everyday) this collagen type specifically supports the repair of collagen structures in damaged skin tissue. (including collagen fragmentation due to UV exposure)

But even if you take all 5 forms of collagen, there’s one BIG PROBLEM!

Collagen’s Biggest Challenge is Bioavailability.

(Will It Actually Go To The Right Place?)

A few studies have shown collagen to be mildly effective if at all, while others show incredible life changing results. So what is the difference?

Here’s what the science says:

A study from the Cosmetic Journal of Dermatology discovered that changes in volunteers taking collagen were only observed when HYDROLYZED collagen was consumed! Why?

Hydrolyzed collagen bypasses certain parts of your digestion process and is immediately absorbed, sending it straight to where it needs to go. So even if you consume all 5 types of collagen, it will only work effectively if it’s hydrolyzed collagen!

And that’s where most (cheap) supplements that aren’t often developed by scientists, health professionals, or doctors fall short. Because hydrolyzed bioactive collagen allows for your body to absorb and extract all the benefits from collagen.

Collagen Benefits Don’t Stop With Your Skin...


KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF! 40% more filling than other proteins like whey, and soy. And trials have shown individuals consumed 20% less at their next meal after consumption of collagen.


KEEP YOUR MIND SHARP! Protects brain cells against amyloid-beta proteins - which is one of the major causes of Alzheimers


KEEP YOUR HEART STRONG! Helps to reduce and maintain cholesterol levels and prevent plaque build-up in arteries


JOINT PAIN NO MORE! Eases joint pain, reduces the stiffness in joints, and increases mobility


THICKER AND FULLER HAIR! Improve hair volume, shine, thickness and scalp coverage


STRONG BONES! Increases density in bones, so they don’t become brittle and prone to breaking easily (like in those with osteoporosis)

Introducing Peak Performance Multi-Collagen

All 5 Types Of Collagen Backed By Science, Hydrolyzed For Maximum Bioavailability, In Clinically Proven Doses


Featured In

Keep Your Skin Strong, Joints Healthy, And Gut Happy

ALL 5 TYPES OF COLLAGEN - we’ve sourced collagen from fish, bovine, chicken, bone broth, and eggshell to give a full spectrum source of collagen to support your whole body.


MAXIMUM ABSORPTION - we use a process called hydrolysis that allows for collagen (a typically unstable and unabsorbable protein) to become highly bioavailable in the body (the most promising research shared above comes from using hydrolyzed collagen)


NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS - our unflavored collagen is purity tested goes through hydrolysis which removes any foul tastes and makes it great for smoothies or your morning coffee


3RD PARTY TESTED - our products are not only safe, but also contain every ingredient at every amount listed on the label…

Worried about taste?

Most collagen supplements have a terrible staunch to them that will often make consuming it almost impossible. That’s why most supplements on the market either use capsules (which don’t allow for a large enough dose -- unless you take a handful of pills) or heavily sweeten them with artificial ingredients.

We’ve chosen a unique filtration and manufacturing process that strips away and breaks down the collagen protein into easy to digest peptides that not only absorb better in your body but also rid our powder of that “unperculular” smell.

Don’t Take Our Word For It

(Hear From Our Customers)



"In an effort to continue to complement my plant-based lifestyle with additional nutritional supplements, I decided to invest in this. I mixed this with the Organic Reds and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. It is very good and has a nice sweetness, but no too sweet. I mixed with about 10 oz of cold water. Will continue to purchase."




"If you can’t drink this, you can’t drink anything. It’s not bad at all. I’ve only had it three times now but so far I feel great and I’ve had no adverse side effects. A lot of times vitamins and probiotics hurt my stomach but no issues at all with this. I’ll be excited to see how I feel in a month."




"This product is one of 5 other brands of superfood powders that I have tried over the last 6 months. This brand by far is the best. This product mixes very well, Taste great and the quality of the product I would rate very well also because it has cleared my brain fog. Great product!"




"I purchased these and was happy with the quality and delivery speed. I would buy it from here again."


Get All 5 Multi-Collagen Today For Less Than $1/Day

All 5 types of collagen at clinically supported doses in just one scoop!


What Makes Peak Performance All 5 Multi-Collagen Different?


Peak Performance multi-collagen contains ALL 5 types of collagen from the following sources:

+ Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides

+ Bovine Bone Broth Hydrolyzed Protein

+ Hydrolyzed Fish / Marine Collagen

+ Chicken Bone Broth Collagen Concentrate

+ And Eggshell Membrane Collagen!


And our lab didn’t want to let a single gram of collagen go to waste! That’s why we’ve chosen to use a complex process called hydrolysis to break the collagen into small peptide molecules so every bit of it is absorbed by your body and doesn’t cause any stomach upset like you may have experienced with other collagen products.


The only ingredients in our collagen formula are collagen and bone broth. You won’t find anything else. And because of our unique filtration process it can easily be mixed in smoothies, yogurts, or coffee without having a “gamey” taste.

How Our Favorite Customers Love To Use Our Multi-Collagen


Try All 5 Multi-Collagen Risk Free For 90 Days -- If You Don’t Absolutely Love It We’ll Send Your Money Back, No Questions Asked


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With our partnership with Vitamin Angels we’ve been blessed to supply over 1 million children at risk of malnutrition with vitamins for 1 full year -- with over 400,000 happy customers.

Now we’re on a mission to double those numbers -- 2 million children by 2024 -- and we’d love to have you a part of it! So with every unit you purchase we’ll supply a child in need with vitamins for an entire year.

That way you can not only feed your body with the most nutritious foods on the planet, but also feed your soul knowing you’re helping a child in need.


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How long will it take to work?
The studies shared above observed noticeable results within 8 weeks, but some of our customers began to see results much sooner.

How do I know it’s working?
You should begin to see changes in the appearance of your skin (hydration, glow, “spring”), more joint comfort, and even better digestion.

What are collagen peptides?
Collagen peptides are small amino acids that are created after the process of hydrolysis that’s used to break down collagen, so it’s easy to absorb in the digestive system.

Where does collagen come from? (Is it vegan?)
Collagen comes from animals -- so it’s NOT vegan. The sources used in our collagen include: fish, bovine, chicken, bone broth, and eggshells.

Why not buy from Amazon?
We reward our customers with better pricing (up to 25% better pricing than Amazon, because they take a big chunk of our margins), extended guarantees (we offer a full 90-day no-hassle guarantee on all our products from the website), and unmatched customer service when purchasing from our website (if you’re unhappy with anything you buy from us, send us a quick email and we’ll refund you promptly).

Is Peak Performance collagen peptides hydrolyzed?
Yes, our collagen peptides are hydrolyzed!

Can collagen cause bloating?
When collagen isn’t broken down into small peptides, it may cause bloating and nausea. That’s why we use a special process called hydrolysis to break it down, so it’s easy to absorb in the digestive system.

How well does this mix with cold liquid since it has bone broth in it?
It’s absolutely easy to mix with cold liquid. You just need to work it a bit differently. We suggest either using a blender (with a smoothie) or if using a shaker first mix with room temperature, to warm water until fully mixed then add ice.

How long should I take collagen? Should I stop taking it after a certain amount of time?
We recommend taking collagen continuously as part of your daily routine to see and maintain results.

Where should I store my collagen?
It is recommended to store in a cool, dark area away from moisture.

Is collagen safe for breastfeeding & expecting moms?
We always recommend talking to your doctor first, as nutritional needs vary when breastfeeding or expecting.